Last Day to Tell the Environmental Protection Agency to Keep the Clean Power Plan!
The Clean Power Plan was meant to be the first step along a path that would lead to substantial carbon emission reductions. The Plan would have been the first ever federal rule to reduce pollution from power plants, the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. These emissions have already led […]
It’s Earth Day: Show Our Public Lands Some Love
Did you know the federal government manages approximately 640 million acres of public land? That translates to about 28% of the nation’s 2.27 billion acres! Multiple government agencies are charged with working together to protect the wild landscapes, the wildlife that live there and America’s outdoor heritage. The agencies involved include: Bureau of Land Management U.S. Fish […]
Protecting Wildlife by Stopping a Lose-Lose-Lose Proposition
On April 23, 2018, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management will end the opportunity for public comment on its backward proposal to gut a common-sense Bureau of Land Management rule to limit methane emissions from oil and gas operations on tribal and federal public lands. There are just a few days left to […]
On the Endangered List: The Land and Water Conservation Fund
You might expect our political leaders to champion a 50-year-plus program that has conserved more than 500 million acres in every state and nearly every county for wildlife habitat, hunting, fishing, parks, ball fields, and trails – at no cost to taxpayers. Since Congress established the Land and Water Conservation Fund in 1964, revenue from […]
A Place For Pollinators: Bees and Butterflies call National Monuments Home
News coverage about protecting butterflies, domesticated honeybees and our native bees often focuses on agricultural lands and the use of pesticides. But tens of thousands of acres of wild public lands provide habitat for an amazing array of our native pollinator species! See why keeping safeguards in place for the mountains, canyons, grasslands, alpine meadows […]
Monumental Buzz: The Bees and Butterflies of Our Public Lands
News coverage about protecting butterflies, domesticated honeybees and our native bees often focuses on agricultural lands and the use of pesticides. But tens of thousands of acres of wild public lands provide habitat for an amazing array of our native pollinator species! See why keeping safeguards in place for the mountains, canyons, grasslands, alpine meadows […]
A Sneak Preview of 2018 Conservation
The past year left many people wondering about the future for wildlife in America. We saw the Trump Administration wreak havoc on our land, water, and air, rolling back regulations that were meant to keep both humans and wildlife safe and healthy. Fortunately, Americans have shown time and time again that they care about wildlife […]
2018 Wildlife Conservation Priorities Poll
As 2018 begins, we are mounting campaigns to address the imminent challenges facing countless wildlife—from hummingbirds in backyard gardens to polar bears roaming the Arctic Circle. Please weigh in by taking our Wildlife Conservation Priorities Poll: Take Our Poll (function(d,c,j){if(! d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;;pd.src=’’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !==’undefined’){jQuery(d.body).trigger(‘pd-script-load’);}}(document,’script’,’pd-polldaddy-loader’)); Take Our Poll (function(d,c,j){if(! d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;;pd.src=’’;s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof […]
The Unknown Story of the Mighty Muskoxen
Muskox, just say it out loud…muskox. In addition to being one of the great words (subjectively) to speak in the English language, it’s also a large arctic mammal known for its thick coat and strong smell. Seeing herds roam the Arctic tundra, they look like a long-extinct prehistoric mammal from the Ice Age akin to […]
Rocky Mountain Region: 2017 In Review
At the National Wildlife Federation we strive to unite all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world. This means we have the distinct pleasure of connecting people from all walks of life — sportsmen and women, backyard gardeners, weekend birders, or just people with a desire to to protect the splendor that […]