Show and Tell: We Want Your Videos!
Call for content! We want to see your videos and photos from your recent adventures on public lands. Why do you love public lands? What inspires you to get outside? Submit your video for a chance to be featured on our social media channel and receive a public lands sticker. Submission guidelines and suggestions are […]

New Public Lands Rule to Benefit Mule Deer & More
The federal Bureau of Land Management stewards 245 million acres of public land that provide habitat for 3,000 wildlife species and more than 300 threatened or endangered wildlife and plant species. Many of those species depend on healthy, intact landscapes for their survival. Species such as the greater sage-grouse, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and mule […]

New Oil & Gas Rule Will Benefit Wildlife on Public Lands
Wildlife – from majestic elk to small burrowing owls – depend on our public lands and waters for their survival. Elk use large intact landscapes and migration pathways to access important summer and winter ranges to find food. Burrowing owls live underground in burrows – often left behind by prairie dogs – and depend on […]

Northwoods SOS: Protecting Public Lands
With sparkling rivers, thousands of lakes, and acres of forests, it’s easy to picture the Great Northwoods on a page right out of an illustrated children’s fairy tale. For both residents and tourists from all over the world, the Great Northwoods is the quintessential idyllic spot to vacation, recreate, and connect to nature. But the […]

The State of the Public Lands: Five Issues to Watch in the Coming Year
When President Biden goes before Congress to deliver the annual State of the Union address, he’s expected to talk about the overall successes Congress and his administration have had in the previous year and what he hopes to accomplish in 2023. We’d like to do the same when it comes to the state of our […]

Two Decades, 1.6 Million Acres: West Fork Grazing Permit Agreement Showcases Opportunity to Support At-Risk Wildlife
This month, in tandem with the 20th anniversary of its highly successful and innovative program resolving conflicts between livestock and at-risk wildlife, the National Wildlife Federation announced the addition of nearly 25,000 acres to its 1.6 million-acre portfolio of conflict-free public lands. Under the stewardship of the Federation’s Wildlife Conflict Resolution program, the added acreage, […]

In Unforgettable Bits and Pieces: How Three National Parks Stole My Heart
This summer took me to three of the nation’s natural treasures: Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Teton, and Isle Royale National Parks. Three completely different parts of the country, and each stole a bit of my heart. Let me give you just a glimpse of them! Great Smoky Mountains National Park spans into Tennessee, North Carolina, […]

Reforming Oil and Gas Leasing Will Benefit Wildlife, Our Public Lands, and Waters
The news that the U.S. Senate will soon vote on a reconciliation bill that contains important fiscal reforms for the oil and leasing system is terrific news for our public lands and waters and for American taxpayers. The Inflation Reduction Act will raise royalty and rental rates so that energy companies pay fair market prices […]
QUIZ: Where Should You Go Winter Wildlife Watching?
From the forest to the sea, there are lots of places you could be! Take our quiz to find out where you should go winter wildlife watching. The post QUIZ: Where Should You Go Winter Wildlife Watching? appeared first on The National Wildlife Federation Blog. Source: Public Lands

Thank you, President Biden, for Restoring Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
As we crested the final rise of Boulder Mountain, my heart began to race. We were almost there. I pulled my truck into the viewpoint turnout and excitedly yelled at my wife and kids to get out and soak it all in. The big, bold, and beautiful expanse that is Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument spread […]