A Needed Step to Protect Public Lands for Wildlife
Today, the Obama Administration issued a long overdue plan to reform the outdated leasing program for coal mining on federal lands. The current system, which is three decades old, is an outdated process that gives coal companies sweetheart deals that short change the American taxpayer and fail to account for the massive impacts of coal mining […]
A Fund Worth Conserving
Voices from the Field: Sportsmen Speak Out I grew up in the great state of New Jersey – not exactly a place that comes to mind for outstanding outdoor opportunities or building strong sportsmen’s roots. Yet, there are plenty of both. Growing up in the country, I learned to hunt and fish with my family […]
Big Impacts On Big Game
Voices from the Field: Sportsmen Speak Out Energy development in the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming has big impacts on big game. A new report, Losing Ground: Energy Development’s Impacts on Wildlife, Landscapes, and Hunting Traditions of the American West by the National Wildlife Federation and Natural Resources Defense Council Coal documents how […]
Wild Bison Return to the Colorado Prairie
There was a big party on the rolling prairie of northern Colorado, and the only thing the guests of honor wanted to do was gallop away. The roughly 200 celebrants were thrilled watching as 10 bison were introduced to their new home – a thousand acres of open space north of Fort Collins. The release on Nov. 1, National Bison […]
Celebrating National Public Lands and Hunting and Fishing Day
This past Saturday was National Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day. For those of us who enjoy and rely on public lands, it was a day to celebrate and give back. Public lands are the Crown Jewels of the United States. From the Appalachian Trail and Acadia National Park to the Colorado backcountry […]
Support Recreational Access in Public Lands
From the Mogollon Rim to the Coronado Forest, from Escudilla Mountain to the San Pedro River riparian area, hunting, fishing and wildlife watching are long traditions that drive many of the rural economies of the Grand Canyon State. According to the most recent U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Survey on wildlife related recreation more than 2.1 […]
Arizona Seeks To Modernize Renewable Energy Development
Arizona Representatives Paul Gosar and Ann Kirkpatrick have been holding joint town halls as part of an ongoing effort to set aside partisan politics and provide a unified voice on issues important to their constituents – to all Arizonans. We hope that each member of Arizona’s Congressional Delegation will support their bipartisan efforts, particularly when […]
The Antiquities Act: Vital for the Public, Vital for America’s Outdoor Legacy
Sportsmen and women wanted it. Hikers, mountain bikers, rafters and business owners wanted it. Veterans’ groups wanted it. So did Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, former Sen. Mark Udall, former Rep. Joel Hefley and Sen. Michael Bennet. They all wanted to see Browns Canyon in central Colorado made a national monument. In December 2014, more than 700 people […]
Browns Canyon Success! Five Species Whose Home is Now Permanently Protected
Stunning and wild. Best white-water rafting in the country. Paradise for people and wildlife alike. This is Colorado’s Browns Canyon, America’s newest national monument. Located about 130 miles southwest of Denver, Browns Canyon is a unique ecosystem that provides outstanding fish and wildlife habitat, sweeping views of the Arkansas Valley, and four-season recreation opportunities for […]
Weekly News Roundup: President Obama is on a roll and more!
Shortly after broadening the Pacific Remote Islands National Marine Monument, President Obama has used his legal authority once again to create a new national monument! The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument was made official today, thanks to the support of many NWF members and conservationists across the country. An incredible win for both wildlife and […]