Over 500 Million Acres, One Job
As a new administration arrives in Washington, D.C., thousands of appointments will be made to fill critical positions in our federal government. One appointment in particular matters a great deal to wildlife, habitat, and our wild and working public lands: the Secretary of the Interior. Why does the head of a department sometimes humorously called […]
12 Gifts You Gave to Wildlife This Year
This past year, thoughtful, generous, and passionate National Wildlife Federation supporters like you helped give countless wildlife the freedom to be wild and thrive. Thank you! Please enjoy reading about 12 of our favorite gifts that you helped give to wildlife in 2016. 100,000 MORE SAFE ACRES FOR WILDLIFE Photo by National Wildlife Photo Contest […]
Calling on President-elect Trump to Stand with Wildlife
This past year, we’ve made important progress protecting wildlife – from guaranteeing more range for wild bison, to cutting carbon pollution that threatens moose, to restoring major water systems like the Great Lakes, the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay. And there is still the potential for more gains, as President Obama considers rules […]
A Win For Outdoor Recreation Marks a Win for Wildlife!
Big news! A bill is headed to the president’s desk that will include the outdoor recreation industry as part of the nation’s GDP! Doesn’t sound exciting? Wondering how that helps our land, water, air, and wildlife? Just bear with me. Much of outdoor recreation takes place on our public lands, which are also home to […]