Weekly News Roundup – October 05, 2012
Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s NWF news:
NWF: Reducing Keystone XL to a Sound Bite Distorts Facts
October 3 – As surrogates for the presidential campaign candidates jockey for position ahead of tonight’s first debate, the facts about the controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline are being distorted. A fact check issued by the National Wildlife Federation notes the pipeline’s job estimates have been widely discredited, and that its purported energy security benefits are also hugely exaggerated. Contrary to popular belief, the pipeline would only generate a few thousand jobs, many temporary, and the fuel it carries would actually increase gas prices as it routes supply away from the U.S. in favor of exports. One certainty is that Keystone XL would greatly increase carbon emissions contributing to climate change.
Hunters, anglers speak out for conservation, ensuring continued access to public lands
October 1 – Conservation is a nonpartisan issue and candidates can’t take the votes of sportsmen and women for granted this election if they don’t address safeguarding fish and wildlife habitat and ensuring access to public lands, hunters and anglers said during a news teleconference Monday.
The importance of conservation of public lands to hunters and anglers, viewed as conservative-leaning, is underscored by the results of a National Wildlife Federation poll. The results show that sportsmen place conserving habitat on a par with gun rights. An overwhelming majority believe it’s a priority to manage public lands for hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation.
“This should truly be a bipartisan issue, one in which reasonable people can find reasonable ways to maintain public lands for many purposes, including regulated hunting and fishing by the average American,” said John Smeltzer, chairman of the Colorado Wildlife Federation board and a retired assistant director of the Colorado Division of Wildlife.
And here is a special extended list of NWF in the News, featuring coverage of our poll:
- Denver Post: Willoughby: Political issues are important for outdoorsmen
- Salt Lake Tribune: Conservation a priority for hunters and anglers
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Poll shows sportsmen prefer conservation over fossil fuel production and Majority of state voters in poll support blocking Asian carp and Where are candidates on Great Lakes protection?
- MSNBC: The Cycle (video)
- Public News Service (CO): Poll: Public Lands Access, Preservation Should be Priorities
- The Times-Picayune: Sportsmen favor protection over energy, according to poll: Other outdoors notes
- KTVZ: Sportsmen: Conservation as key as gun rights
- Biloxi Sun Herald (MS): Sportsmen believe BP should be held accountable for oil spill
- Smoky Mountain News (NC): Survey shows outdoorsmen are environmentalists
- Garner News and Cleveland Post (NC): Sportsman’s poll indicates strong environmental interest
- FosterFollyNews.com (FL): BP Fines Could Be Used For Gulf Restoration
- Gasparilla Gazette (FL): Poll: BP should clean up Gulf of Mexico mess
- Orange Leader (TX): Brewing Texas Battle: Will Gulf Oil Spill Fines be Used for Pork?
- Fox-11 Milwaukee: Poll: Most want to fight Asian carp
- UPI: Wis. voters favor blocking of Asian carp
- Capital Times: Poll shows Wisconsinites value healthy Great Lakes
- Wisconsin Public Radio: Poll Shows Support for Great Lakes Money/Carp Fight
- WTAQ: Survey: 60% want water link cut off to keep Asian Carp out of Great Lakes
- WRJN: Poll Shows Support For Great Lakes Restoration Crosses Political Lines
- WISN TV: Poll shows support for Great Lakes restoration, stopping Asian carp
For more, visit www.nwf.org/News