Video: What’s Happening To Our Public Lands
We can read report after report on how dirty energy development threatens wildlife across the West–but sometimes it helps to see it for ourselves.
That’s why I want to encourage you to check out these new short videos from National Wildlife Federation’s Our Public Lands website. These videos share personal stories and images of how the current pace and practices of oil and gas extraction threatens the livelihood of people and wildlife across the Rocky Mountain West.
Through these videos, you can learn more about how in states like Colorado and Wyoming, drilling rigs, pipelines and the non-stop activity of extracting oil and gas has transformed once tranquil areas characterized by ranching and open space.
And don’t miss the story of the Pronghorn antelope, which migrate 160 miles between their winter and summer ranges in Wyoming. This too is threatened by the roads and machines that the industry has brought to the area.
Whether you live in the West or not, these videos are a great way to see how important it is to promote responsible energy development that protects both the people and wildlife of the great American West for many years to come.
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