Sportsmen and women are growing weary of every move Congress makes these days, nuanced or obvious, that threatens our tried and true system of public lands.
Between 2013 and 2016 members of Congress filed at least 44 bills or amendments that attempted to remove or undercut protections for parks and public lands, and 2017 doesn’t look much better. Hunters and anglers want Congress to hear this message: You cannot, will not, shall not sell, transfer, degrade or otherwise undo our sporting legacy by somehow divesting of our public lands.
Each year, more than 40 million Americans head into the wild to hunt or fish. Whether you seek elk in the White River National forest from North America’s largest herd, chase white tailed deer and waterfowl in Nebraska’s Valentine National Wildlife refuge, fish for walleye or bass in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters or pursue salmon on Alaska’s waters. Attacks on our public lands could make each of these experiences a thing of the past.
Take Action! Send members of Congress a message: America’s sportsmen and women expect public lands to stay in public hands, and urge them to oppose any effort to sell or transfer the foundation of our sporting heritage.
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Dear [Decision Maker],*
Our irreplaceable public lands provide important benefits for all Americans and are the foundation of our sporting heritage. In addition to supporting a $646 billion outdoor economy, public lands improve air and water quality, sustain local water supplies, and provide a wide range of fish and wildlife habitat.
These lands belong in public hands — now, and forever. Please protect our public lands legacy for fish, wildlife and our great sporting heritage. Thank you.
Sincerely,[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP]
* The italicized content will be filled in automatically.
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